I keep trying…

I’m still out here, each morning. I’m out here, walking the sidewalks of Capitol Hill, just as I have been since the day the world went pear-shaped with the news of COVID. But unlike those early days, I now walk well before sunrise. And the funny thing is, I like it. I like walking in the dark.

There is something magical about walking across the border between night and day. There is something magical about feeling the transformation from cool night breeze to the stillness that often comes with the warmth of the sun.

And I can almost forget that I am literally in the center of one of the world’s great cities when, I look up and as I take my first step from house to patio I see stars and planets and the moon.

I am not a good enough star gazer to know what I am seeing, but it doesn’t matter. That I can see past the bright lights of city life at all is a miracle.

I look, and I wonder, and I struggle to capture the mystery of all I see and feel with the little magic box in my hand. And it is impossible.

It is impossible to take a picture of the darkness, of the moment that darkness slips into daylight, of the clouds and the wind and the stars. These things can only be captured by my spirit. Although, I’m sure that I will continue to try…to try and find the words and the pictures to describe it all to you. Because, right now, I know that I am falling short, like I always do.

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