I had a plan this weekend…

I had a plan this weekend.  My experience is that these are dangerous words, and this weekend's result was no different. I thought that the plan was simple.  For weeks, I have been culling my closet for items that could have  a better, more useful home.  This was not a general pull and pitch -- I was gathering clothing to go to the group Suited for Change, an organization of women who lift up other women by providing them with office-suitable clothing at the moment they most need it, the moment when they take that step from recovery of any kind into the world of work.  I knew that I…
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Broken shards and forgiveness with a catchy beat…

And for days, my ear worm has been set on an old, old song from my days as a worship leader in a Unity School Church.  I had occasion in conversation to use a phrase that I don't use very often these days -- you are a beloved Child of God.  And that set off a firestorm of musical remembrance that has continued for days as every fiber of my being joins in the chorus of "I am the radiant life of God," written by Georgiana Tree West back in the 1930's at the beginnings of the Unity movement.  If you dare, you can listen to a great performance of…
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I had a plan this weekend…

I had a plan this weekend.  My experience is that these are dangerous words, and this weekend's result was no different. I thought that the plan was simple.  For weeks, I have been culling my closet for items that could have  a better, more useful home.  This was not a general pull and pitch -- I was gathering clothing to go to the group Suited for Change, an organization of women who lift up other women by providing them with office-suitable clothing at the moment they most need it, the moment when they take that step from recovery of any kind into the world of work.  I knew that I…
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Broken shards and forgiveness with a catchy beat…

And for days, my ear worm has been set on an old, old song from my days as a worship leader in a Unity School Church.  I had occasion in conversation to use a phrase that I don't use very often these days -- you are a beloved Child of God.  And that set off a firestorm of musical remembrance that has continued for days as every fiber of my being joins in the chorus of "I am the radiant life of God," written by Georgiana Tree West back in the 1930's at the beginnings of the Unity movement.  If you dare, you can listen to a great performance of…
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