Smoke signals…

So as I turned to face the sun this morning, I thought to myself, my the heat haze is starting early, because, well, the light looked like an August morning after a long DC health wave. But out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be little puffs of smoke. I turned to look and discovered 10 or so sparrows taking their morning dirt bath. Who says there is nothing natural about living in the city. A happy Thursday to you all as me make an overnight leap from Spring to summer here in DC.
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My resurrection rose…

Pretty certain that we are nearing the end of this years rose profusion, at least for those of us with younger plants. The younger blooms just don't stand up well to the change in temperature that is here. In the face of that reality, I thought that I would end with my own little resurrection rose, the one I have removed and had removed so many times. Yes, it blooms anew, tentatively and delicately. Choose your metaphors as you will, but the timing seems appropriate, what with Pentecost at hand and all. Maybe this year I will tend it and feed it instead of ripping it out. It seems to…
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In my lilac dawn…

And for this #earthday I bring you lilacs. We don't have many in the neighborhood, and many, like ours, are bushes and have not yet bloomed. Sorry you can't smell them, they are wonderful. But if you want to experience the best lilac arbor in town, head to the National Arboretum for a walk. Wish that I had time today. I'll just have to enjoy this stand of trees at the end of Garfield Park for now. Oh, and the title comes from a poem written NOT by me: “And stay, my dearstay...forever, as my quiet song,in my lilac dawn.”― Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos
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Honoring beauty in a season of change…

Unlike most days, today my wandering had a destination. Since the weather predicts heavy wind today, the tulips on my walk will take a beating, I'm sure, and I just hadn't paused to honor their beauty. We don't have many houses here on the Hill that have space to do justice to tulip growing, but this one does. It seems to me that the tulips are the one flower that has held steady to their bloom cycle this year, so many other things have been early that it seems all the beauty is rushing in at once. Other things are changing too...there are people walking to a destination rather than…
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A two-fer…

This always looks like one tree sharing two sets of beauty to me. Maybe it is or maybe it isn't, after all, I'm not a botanist. But I see individuality in community, and each making a respectful place for the other. And dogwoods. Just more dogwoods.
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Emancipation day…

Transformation before my very eyes. That's how it look and look, and all seemes the same. Then a little push from the inside and a light but insistent breeze and poof! The new green of change becomes visible. Well, that is Friday for you. And yes there is a small political statement buried in all this green and pink. Emancipation day it is.
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Our beloved Gracie, the first of our beagle fur children, used to do a trick where she balanced a treat on her nose to the command, "Focus, focus, focus." She was only released to eat the delicious morsel one of us spoke the command, "Eat it up!" There were so many reasons that she was known as "Gracie, the wonder dog." Last year, at this time in #pandemiclife I needed the camera see for me. I could sense the world around me but I couldn't focus at all. The camera focused for me. This morning, I find myself complaining that the camera simply can't capture all that I can see.…
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A little later than usual…

There were so many choices this morning. Dogwood. Late cherry. Redbud. Irises, daffodils and tulips. Birds. But then, there was this. In this pandemic April, as the anxiety and fear that drove my early walks last year subsides just a little, I'm walking a little later so the sun is usually on its merry way. But this morning, there was this. For which I am more than grateful.
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Laugh of the day…

I didn't know that I needed a laugh on my walk this morning, but something knew I was out of sorts and provided one. Always remember to look up when you see that movement on the periphery of your vision, both physical vision and that other kind...
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Smoke signals…

So as I turned to face the sun this morning, I thought to myself, my the heat haze is starting early, because, well, the light looked like an August morning after a long DC health wave. But out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be little puffs of smoke. I turned to look and discovered 10 or so sparrows taking their morning dirt bath. Who says there is nothing natural about living in the city. A happy Thursday to you all as me make an overnight leap from Spring to summer here in DC.
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My resurrection rose…

Pretty certain that we are nearing the end of this years rose profusion, at least for those of us with younger plants. The younger blooms just don't stand up well to the change in temperature that is here. In the face of that reality, I thought that I would end with my own little resurrection rose, the one I have removed and had removed so many times. Yes, it blooms anew, tentatively and delicately. Choose your metaphors as you will, but the timing seems appropriate, what with Pentecost at hand and all. Maybe this year I will tend it and feed it instead of ripping it out. It seems to…
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In my lilac dawn…

And for this #earthday I bring you lilacs. We don't have many in the neighborhood, and many, like ours, are bushes and have not yet bloomed. Sorry you can't smell them, they are wonderful. But if you want to experience the best lilac arbor in town, head to the National Arboretum for a walk. Wish that I had time today. I'll just have to enjoy this stand of trees at the end of Garfield Park for now. Oh, and the title comes from a poem written NOT by me: “And stay, my dearstay...forever, as my quiet song,in my lilac dawn.”― Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos
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Honoring beauty in a season of change…

Unlike most days, today my wandering had a destination. Since the weather predicts heavy wind today, the tulips on my walk will take a beating, I'm sure, and I just hadn't paused to honor their beauty. We don't have many houses here on the Hill that have space to do justice to tulip growing, but this one does. It seems to me that the tulips are the one flower that has held steady to their bloom cycle this year, so many other things have been early that it seems all the beauty is rushing in at once. Other things are changing too...there are people walking to a destination rather than…
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A two-fer…

This always looks like one tree sharing two sets of beauty to me. Maybe it is or maybe it isn't, after all, I'm not a botanist. But I see individuality in community, and each making a respectful place for the other. And dogwoods. Just more dogwoods.
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Emancipation day…

Transformation before my very eyes. That's how it look and look, and all seemes the same. Then a little push from the inside and a light but insistent breeze and poof! The new green of change becomes visible. Well, that is Friday for you. And yes there is a small political statement buried in all this green and pink. Emancipation day it is.
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Our beloved Gracie, the first of our beagle fur children, used to do a trick where she balanced a treat on her nose to the command, "Focus, focus, focus." She was only released to eat the delicious morsel one of us spoke the command, "Eat it up!" There were so many reasons that she was known as "Gracie, the wonder dog." Last year, at this time in #pandemiclife I needed the camera see for me. I could sense the world around me but I couldn't focus at all. The camera focused for me. This morning, I find myself complaining that the camera simply can't capture all that I can see.…
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A little later than usual…

There were so many choices this morning. Dogwood. Late cherry. Redbud. Irises, daffodils and tulips. Birds. But then, there was this. In this pandemic April, as the anxiety and fear that drove my early walks last year subsides just a little, I'm walking a little later so the sun is usually on its merry way. But this morning, there was this. For which I am more than grateful.
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Laugh of the day…

I didn't know that I needed a laugh on my walk this morning, but something knew I was out of sorts and provided one. Always remember to look up when you see that movement on the periphery of your vision, both physical vision and that other kind...
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Smoke signals…

So as I turned to face the sun this morning, I thought to myself, my the heat haze is starting early, because, well, the light looked like an August morning after a long DC health wave. But out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be little puffs of smoke. I turned to look and discovered 10 or so sparrows taking their morning dirt bath. Who says there is nothing natural about living in the city. A happy Thursday to you all as me make an overnight leap from Spring to summer here in DC.
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My resurrection rose…

Pretty certain that we are nearing the end of this years rose profusion, at least for those of us with younger plants. The younger blooms just don't stand up well to the change in temperature that is here. In the face of that reality, I thought that I would end with my own little resurrection rose, the one I have removed and had removed so many times. Yes, it blooms anew, tentatively and delicately. Choose your metaphors as you will, but the timing seems appropriate, what with Pentecost at hand and all. Maybe this year I will tend it and feed it instead of ripping it out. It seems to…
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In my lilac dawn…

And for this #earthday I bring you lilacs. We don't have many in the neighborhood, and many, like ours, are bushes and have not yet bloomed. Sorry you can't smell them, they are wonderful. But if you want to experience the best lilac arbor in town, head to the National Arboretum for a walk. Wish that I had time today. I'll just have to enjoy this stand of trees at the end of Garfield Park for now. Oh, and the title comes from a poem written NOT by me: “And stay, my dearstay...forever, as my quiet song,in my lilac dawn.”― Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos
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Honoring beauty in a season of change…

Unlike most days, today my wandering had a destination. Since the weather predicts heavy wind today, the tulips on my walk will take a beating, I'm sure, and I just hadn't paused to honor their beauty. We don't have many houses here on the Hill that have space to do justice to tulip growing, but this one does. It seems to me that the tulips are the one flower that has held steady to their bloom cycle this year, so many other things have been early that it seems all the beauty is rushing in at once. Other things are changing too...there are people walking to a destination rather than…
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A two-fer…

This always looks like one tree sharing two sets of beauty to me. Maybe it is or maybe it isn't, after all, I'm not a botanist. But I see individuality in community, and each making a respectful place for the other. And dogwoods. Just more dogwoods.
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Emancipation day…

Transformation before my very eyes. That's how it look and look, and all seemes the same. Then a little push from the inside and a light but insistent breeze and poof! The new green of change becomes visible. Well, that is Friday for you. And yes there is a small political statement buried in all this green and pink. Emancipation day it is.
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Our beloved Gracie, the first of our beagle fur children, used to do a trick where she balanced a treat on her nose to the command, "Focus, focus, focus." She was only released to eat the delicious morsel one of us spoke the command, "Eat it up!" There were so many reasons that she was known as "Gracie, the wonder dog." Last year, at this time in #pandemiclife I needed the camera see for me. I could sense the world around me but I couldn't focus at all. The camera focused for me. This morning, I find myself complaining that the camera simply can't capture all that I can see.…
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A little later than usual…

There were so many choices this morning. Dogwood. Late cherry. Redbud. Irises, daffodils and tulips. Birds. But then, there was this. In this pandemic April, as the anxiety and fear that drove my early walks last year subsides just a little, I'm walking a little later so the sun is usually on its merry way. But this morning, there was this. For which I am more than grateful.
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Laugh of the day…

I didn't know that I needed a laugh on my walk this morning, but something knew I was out of sorts and provided one. Always remember to look up when you see that movement on the periphery of your vision, both physical vision and that other kind...
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Smoke signals…

So as I turned to face the sun this morning, I thought to myself, my the heat haze is starting early, because, well, the light looked like an August morning after a long DC health wave. But out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be little puffs of smoke. I turned to look and discovered 10 or so sparrows taking their morning dirt bath. Who says there is nothing natural about living in the city. A happy Thursday to you all as me make an overnight leap from Spring to summer here in DC.
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My resurrection rose…

Pretty certain that we are nearing the end of this years rose profusion, at least for those of us with younger plants. The younger blooms just don't stand up well to the change in temperature that is here. In the face of that reality, I thought that I would end with my own little resurrection rose, the one I have removed and had removed so many times. Yes, it blooms anew, tentatively and delicately. Choose your metaphors as you will, but the timing seems appropriate, what with Pentecost at hand and all. Maybe this year I will tend it and feed it instead of ripping it out. It seems to…
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In my lilac dawn…

And for this #earthday I bring you lilacs. We don't have many in the neighborhood, and many, like ours, are bushes and have not yet bloomed. Sorry you can't smell them, they are wonderful. But if you want to experience the best lilac arbor in town, head to the National Arboretum for a walk. Wish that I had time today. I'll just have to enjoy this stand of trees at the end of Garfield Park for now. Oh, and the title comes from a poem written NOT by me: “And stay, my dearstay...forever, as my quiet song,in my lilac dawn.”― Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos
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Honoring beauty in a season of change…

Unlike most days, today my wandering had a destination. Since the weather predicts heavy wind today, the tulips on my walk will take a beating, I'm sure, and I just hadn't paused to honor their beauty. We don't have many houses here on the Hill that have space to do justice to tulip growing, but this one does. It seems to me that the tulips are the one flower that has held steady to their bloom cycle this year, so many other things have been early that it seems all the beauty is rushing in at once. Other things are changing too...there are people walking to a destination rather than…
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A two-fer…

This always looks like one tree sharing two sets of beauty to me. Maybe it is or maybe it isn't, after all, I'm not a botanist. But I see individuality in community, and each making a respectful place for the other. And dogwoods. Just more dogwoods.
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Emancipation day…

Transformation before my very eyes. That's how it look and look, and all seemes the same. Then a little push from the inside and a light but insistent breeze and poof! The new green of change becomes visible. Well, that is Friday for you. And yes there is a small political statement buried in all this green and pink. Emancipation day it is.
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Our beloved Gracie, the first of our beagle fur children, used to do a trick where she balanced a treat on her nose to the command, "Focus, focus, focus." She was only released to eat the delicious morsel one of us spoke the command, "Eat it up!" There were so many reasons that she was known as "Gracie, the wonder dog." Last year, at this time in #pandemiclife I needed the camera see for me. I could sense the world around me but I couldn't focus at all. The camera focused for me. This morning, I find myself complaining that the camera simply can't capture all that I can see.…
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A little later than usual…

There were so many choices this morning. Dogwood. Late cherry. Redbud. Irises, daffodils and tulips. Birds. But then, there was this. In this pandemic April, as the anxiety and fear that drove my early walks last year subsides just a little, I'm walking a little later so the sun is usually on its merry way. But this morning, there was this. For which I am more than grateful.
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Laugh of the day…

I didn't know that I needed a laugh on my walk this morning, but something knew I was out of sorts and provided one. Always remember to look up when you see that movement on the periphery of your vision, both physical vision and that other kind...
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Smoke signals…

So as I turned to face the sun this morning, I thought to myself, my the heat haze is starting early, because, well, the light looked like an August morning after a long DC health wave. But out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be little puffs of smoke. I turned to look and discovered 10 or so sparrows taking their morning dirt bath. Who says there is nothing natural about living in the city. A happy Thursday to you all as me make an overnight leap from Spring to summer here in DC.
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My resurrection rose…

Pretty certain that we are nearing the end of this years rose profusion, at least for those of us with younger plants. The younger blooms just don't stand up well to the change in temperature that is here. In the face of that reality, I thought that I would end with my own little resurrection rose, the one I have removed and had removed so many times. Yes, it blooms anew, tentatively and delicately. Choose your metaphors as you will, but the timing seems appropriate, what with Pentecost at hand and all. Maybe this year I will tend it and feed it instead of ripping it out. It seems to…
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In my lilac dawn…

And for this #earthday I bring you lilacs. We don't have many in the neighborhood, and many, like ours, are bushes and have not yet bloomed. Sorry you can't smell them, they are wonderful. But if you want to experience the best lilac arbor in town, head to the National Arboretum for a walk. Wish that I had time today. I'll just have to enjoy this stand of trees at the end of Garfield Park for now. Oh, and the title comes from a poem written NOT by me: “And stay, my dearstay...forever, as my quiet song,in my lilac dawn.”― Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos
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Honoring beauty in a season of change…

Unlike most days, today my wandering had a destination. Since the weather predicts heavy wind today, the tulips on my walk will take a beating, I'm sure, and I just hadn't paused to honor their beauty. We don't have many houses here on the Hill that have space to do justice to tulip growing, but this one does. It seems to me that the tulips are the one flower that has held steady to their bloom cycle this year, so many other things have been early that it seems all the beauty is rushing in at once. Other things are changing too...there are people walking to a destination rather than…
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A two-fer…

This always looks like one tree sharing two sets of beauty to me. Maybe it is or maybe it isn't, after all, I'm not a botanist. But I see individuality in community, and each making a respectful place for the other. And dogwoods. Just more dogwoods.
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Emancipation day…

Transformation before my very eyes. That's how it look and look, and all seemes the same. Then a little push from the inside and a light but insistent breeze and poof! The new green of change becomes visible. Well, that is Friday for you. And yes there is a small political statement buried in all this green and pink. Emancipation day it is.
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Our beloved Gracie, the first of our beagle fur children, used to do a trick where she balanced a treat on her nose to the command, "Focus, focus, focus." She was only released to eat the delicious morsel one of us spoke the command, "Eat it up!" There were so many reasons that she was known as "Gracie, the wonder dog." Last year, at this time in #pandemiclife I needed the camera see for me. I could sense the world around me but I couldn't focus at all. The camera focused for me. This morning, I find myself complaining that the camera simply can't capture all that I can see.…
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A little later than usual…

There were so many choices this morning. Dogwood. Late cherry. Redbud. Irises, daffodils and tulips. Birds. But then, there was this. In this pandemic April, as the anxiety and fear that drove my early walks last year subsides just a little, I'm walking a little later so the sun is usually on its merry way. But this morning, there was this. For which I am more than grateful.
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Laugh of the day…

I didn't know that I needed a laugh on my walk this morning, but something knew I was out of sorts and provided one. Always remember to look up when you see that movement on the periphery of your vision, both physical vision and that other kind...
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Smoke signals…

So as I turned to face the sun this morning, I thought to myself, my the heat haze is starting early, because, well, the light looked like an August morning after a long DC health wave. But out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be little puffs of smoke. I turned to look and discovered 10 or so sparrows taking their morning dirt bath. Who says there is nothing natural about living in the city. A happy Thursday to you all as me make an overnight leap from Spring to summer here in DC.
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My resurrection rose…

Pretty certain that we are nearing the end of this years rose profusion, at least for those of us with younger plants. The younger blooms just don't stand up well to the change in temperature that is here. In the face of that reality, I thought that I would end with my own little resurrection rose, the one I have removed and had removed so many times. Yes, it blooms anew, tentatively and delicately. Choose your metaphors as you will, but the timing seems appropriate, what with Pentecost at hand and all. Maybe this year I will tend it and feed it instead of ripping it out. It seems to…
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In my lilac dawn…

And for this #earthday I bring you lilacs. We don't have many in the neighborhood, and many, like ours, are bushes and have not yet bloomed. Sorry you can't smell them, they are wonderful. But if you want to experience the best lilac arbor in town, head to the National Arboretum for a walk. Wish that I had time today. I'll just have to enjoy this stand of trees at the end of Garfield Park for now. Oh, and the title comes from a poem written NOT by me: “And stay, my dearstay...forever, as my quiet song,in my lilac dawn.”― Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos
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Honoring beauty in a season of change…

Unlike most days, today my wandering had a destination. Since the weather predicts heavy wind today, the tulips on my walk will take a beating, I'm sure, and I just hadn't paused to honor their beauty. We don't have many houses here on the Hill that have space to do justice to tulip growing, but this one does. It seems to me that the tulips are the one flower that has held steady to their bloom cycle this year, so many other things have been early that it seems all the beauty is rushing in at once. Other things are changing too...there are people walking to a destination rather than…
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A two-fer…

This always looks like one tree sharing two sets of beauty to me. Maybe it is or maybe it isn't, after all, I'm not a botanist. But I see individuality in community, and each making a respectful place for the other. And dogwoods. Just more dogwoods.
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Emancipation day…

Transformation before my very eyes. That's how it look and look, and all seemes the same. Then a little push from the inside and a light but insistent breeze and poof! The new green of change becomes visible. Well, that is Friday for you. And yes there is a small political statement buried in all this green and pink. Emancipation day it is.
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Our beloved Gracie, the first of our beagle fur children, used to do a trick where she balanced a treat on her nose to the command, "Focus, focus, focus." She was only released to eat the delicious morsel one of us spoke the command, "Eat it up!" There were so many reasons that she was known as "Gracie, the wonder dog." Last year, at this time in #pandemiclife I needed the camera see for me. I could sense the world around me but I couldn't focus at all. The camera focused for me. This morning, I find myself complaining that the camera simply can't capture all that I can see.…
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A little later than usual…

There were so many choices this morning. Dogwood. Late cherry. Redbud. Irises, daffodils and tulips. Birds. But then, there was this. In this pandemic April, as the anxiety and fear that drove my early walks last year subsides just a little, I'm walking a little later so the sun is usually on its merry way. But this morning, there was this. For which I am more than grateful.
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Laugh of the day…

I didn't know that I needed a laugh on my walk this morning, but something knew I was out of sorts and provided one. Always remember to look up when you see that movement on the periphery of your vision, both physical vision and that other kind...
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Smoke signals…

So as I turned to face the sun this morning, I thought to myself, my the heat haze is starting early, because, well, the light looked like an August morning after a long DC health wave. But out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be little puffs of smoke. I turned to look and discovered 10 or so sparrows taking their morning dirt bath. Who says there is nothing natural about living in the city. A happy Thursday to you all as me make an overnight leap from Spring to summer here in DC.
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My resurrection rose…

Pretty certain that we are nearing the end of this years rose profusion, at least for those of us with younger plants. The younger blooms just don't stand up well to the change in temperature that is here. In the face of that reality, I thought that I would end with my own little resurrection rose, the one I have removed and had removed so many times. Yes, it blooms anew, tentatively and delicately. Choose your metaphors as you will, but the timing seems appropriate, what with Pentecost at hand and all. Maybe this year I will tend it and feed it instead of ripping it out. It seems to…
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In my lilac dawn…

And for this #earthday I bring you lilacs. We don't have many in the neighborhood, and many, like ours, are bushes and have not yet bloomed. Sorry you can't smell them, they are wonderful. But if you want to experience the best lilac arbor in town, head to the National Arboretum for a walk. Wish that I had time today. I'll just have to enjoy this stand of trees at the end of Garfield Park for now. Oh, and the title comes from a poem written NOT by me: “And stay, my dearstay...forever, as my quiet song,in my lilac dawn.”― Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos
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Honoring beauty in a season of change…

Unlike most days, today my wandering had a destination. Since the weather predicts heavy wind today, the tulips on my walk will take a beating, I'm sure, and I just hadn't paused to honor their beauty. We don't have many houses here on the Hill that have space to do justice to tulip growing, but this one does. It seems to me that the tulips are the one flower that has held steady to their bloom cycle this year, so many other things have been early that it seems all the beauty is rushing in at once. Other things are changing too...there are people walking to a destination rather than…
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A two-fer…

This always looks like one tree sharing two sets of beauty to me. Maybe it is or maybe it isn't, after all, I'm not a botanist. But I see individuality in community, and each making a respectful place for the other. And dogwoods. Just more dogwoods.
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Emancipation day…

Transformation before my very eyes. That's how it look and look, and all seemes the same. Then a little push from the inside and a light but insistent breeze and poof! The new green of change becomes visible. Well, that is Friday for you. And yes there is a small political statement buried in all this green and pink. Emancipation day it is.
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Our beloved Gracie, the first of our beagle fur children, used to do a trick where she balanced a treat on her nose to the command, "Focus, focus, focus." She was only released to eat the delicious morsel one of us spoke the command, "Eat it up!" There were so many reasons that she was known as "Gracie, the wonder dog." Last year, at this time in #pandemiclife I needed the camera see for me. I could sense the world around me but I couldn't focus at all. The camera focused for me. This morning, I find myself complaining that the camera simply can't capture all that I can see.…
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A little later than usual…

There were so many choices this morning. Dogwood. Late cherry. Redbud. Irises, daffodils and tulips. Birds. But then, there was this. In this pandemic April, as the anxiety and fear that drove my early walks last year subsides just a little, I'm walking a little later so the sun is usually on its merry way. But this morning, there was this. For which I am more than grateful.
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Laugh of the day…

I didn't know that I needed a laugh on my walk this morning, but something knew I was out of sorts and provided one. Always remember to look up when you see that movement on the periphery of your vision, both physical vision and that other kind...
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Smoke signals…

So as I turned to face the sun this morning, I thought to myself, my the heat haze is starting early, because, well, the light looked like an August morning after a long DC health wave. But out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be little puffs of smoke. I turned to look and discovered 10 or so sparrows taking their morning dirt bath. Who says there is nothing natural about living in the city. A happy Thursday to you all as me make an overnight leap from Spring to summer here in DC.
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My resurrection rose…

Pretty certain that we are nearing the end of this years rose profusion, at least for those of us with younger plants. The younger blooms just don't stand up well to the change in temperature that is here. In the face of that reality, I thought that I would end with my own little resurrection rose, the one I have removed and had removed so many times. Yes, it blooms anew, tentatively and delicately. Choose your metaphors as you will, but the timing seems appropriate, what with Pentecost at hand and all. Maybe this year I will tend it and feed it instead of ripping it out. It seems to…
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In my lilac dawn…

And for this #earthday I bring you lilacs. We don't have many in the neighborhood, and many, like ours, are bushes and have not yet bloomed. Sorry you can't smell them, they are wonderful. But if you want to experience the best lilac arbor in town, head to the National Arboretum for a walk. Wish that I had time today. I'll just have to enjoy this stand of trees at the end of Garfield Park for now. Oh, and the title comes from a poem written NOT by me: “And stay, my dearstay...forever, as my quiet song,in my lilac dawn.”― Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos
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Honoring beauty in a season of change…

Unlike most days, today my wandering had a destination. Since the weather predicts heavy wind today, the tulips on my walk will take a beating, I'm sure, and I just hadn't paused to honor their beauty. We don't have many houses here on the Hill that have space to do justice to tulip growing, but this one does. It seems to me that the tulips are the one flower that has held steady to their bloom cycle this year, so many other things have been early that it seems all the beauty is rushing in at once. Other things are changing too...there are people walking to a destination rather than…
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A two-fer…

This always looks like one tree sharing two sets of beauty to me. Maybe it is or maybe it isn't, after all, I'm not a botanist. But I see individuality in community, and each making a respectful place for the other. And dogwoods. Just more dogwoods.
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Emancipation day…

Transformation before my very eyes. That's how it look and look, and all seemes the same. Then a little push from the inside and a light but insistent breeze and poof! The new green of change becomes visible. Well, that is Friday for you. And yes there is a small political statement buried in all this green and pink. Emancipation day it is.
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Our beloved Gracie, the first of our beagle fur children, used to do a trick where she balanced a treat on her nose to the command, "Focus, focus, focus." She was only released to eat the delicious morsel one of us spoke the command, "Eat it up!" There were so many reasons that she was known as "Gracie, the wonder dog." Last year, at this time in #pandemiclife I needed the camera see for me. I could sense the world around me but I couldn't focus at all. The camera focused for me. This morning, I find myself complaining that the camera simply can't capture all that I can see.…
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A little later than usual…

There were so many choices this morning. Dogwood. Late cherry. Redbud. Irises, daffodils and tulips. Birds. But then, there was this. In this pandemic April, as the anxiety and fear that drove my early walks last year subsides just a little, I'm walking a little later so the sun is usually on its merry way. But this morning, there was this. For which I am more than grateful.
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Laugh of the day…

I didn't know that I needed a laugh on my walk this morning, but something knew I was out of sorts and provided one. Always remember to look up when you see that movement on the periphery of your vision, both physical vision and that other kind...
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Smoke signals…

So as I turned to face the sun this morning, I thought to myself, my the heat haze is starting early, because, well, the light looked like an August morning after a long DC health wave. But out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be little puffs of smoke. I turned to look and discovered 10 or so sparrows taking their morning dirt bath. Who says there is nothing natural about living in the city. A happy Thursday to you all as me make an overnight leap from Spring to summer here in DC.
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My resurrection rose…

Pretty certain that we are nearing the end of this years rose profusion, at least for those of us with younger plants. The younger blooms just don't stand up well to the change in temperature that is here. In the face of that reality, I thought that I would end with my own little resurrection rose, the one I have removed and had removed so many times. Yes, it blooms anew, tentatively and delicately. Choose your metaphors as you will, but the timing seems appropriate, what with Pentecost at hand and all. Maybe this year I will tend it and feed it instead of ripping it out. It seems to…
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In my lilac dawn…

And for this #earthday I bring you lilacs. We don't have many in the neighborhood, and many, like ours, are bushes and have not yet bloomed. Sorry you can't smell them, they are wonderful. But if you want to experience the best lilac arbor in town, head to the National Arboretum for a walk. Wish that I had time today. I'll just have to enjoy this stand of trees at the end of Garfield Park for now. Oh, and the title comes from a poem written NOT by me: “And stay, my dearstay...forever, as my quiet song,in my lilac dawn.”― Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos
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Honoring beauty in a season of change…

Unlike most days, today my wandering had a destination. Since the weather predicts heavy wind today, the tulips on my walk will take a beating, I'm sure, and I just hadn't paused to honor their beauty. We don't have many houses here on the Hill that have space to do justice to tulip growing, but this one does. It seems to me that the tulips are the one flower that has held steady to their bloom cycle this year, so many other things have been early that it seems all the beauty is rushing in at once. Other things are changing too...there are people walking to a destination rather than…
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A two-fer…

This always looks like one tree sharing two sets of beauty to me. Maybe it is or maybe it isn't, after all, I'm not a botanist. But I see individuality in community, and each making a respectful place for the other. And dogwoods. Just more dogwoods.
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Emancipation day…

Transformation before my very eyes. That's how it look and look, and all seemes the same. Then a little push from the inside and a light but insistent breeze and poof! The new green of change becomes visible. Well, that is Friday for you. And yes there is a small political statement buried in all this green and pink. Emancipation day it is.
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Our beloved Gracie, the first of our beagle fur children, used to do a trick where she balanced a treat on her nose to the command, "Focus, focus, focus." She was only released to eat the delicious morsel one of us spoke the command, "Eat it up!" There were so many reasons that she was known as "Gracie, the wonder dog." Last year, at this time in #pandemiclife I needed the camera see for me. I could sense the world around me but I couldn't focus at all. The camera focused for me. This morning, I find myself complaining that the camera simply can't capture all that I can see.…
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A little later than usual…

There were so many choices this morning. Dogwood. Late cherry. Redbud. Irises, daffodils and tulips. Birds. But then, there was this. In this pandemic April, as the anxiety and fear that drove my early walks last year subsides just a little, I'm walking a little later so the sun is usually on its merry way. But this morning, there was this. For which I am more than grateful.
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Laugh of the day…

I didn't know that I needed a laugh on my walk this morning, but something knew I was out of sorts and provided one. Always remember to look up when you see that movement on the periphery of your vision, both physical vision and that other kind...
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Smoke signals…

So as I turned to face the sun this morning, I thought to myself, my the heat haze is starting early, because, well, the light looked like an August morning after a long DC health wave. But out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be little puffs of smoke. I turned to look and discovered 10 or so sparrows taking their morning dirt bath. Who says there is nothing natural about living in the city. A happy Thursday to you all as me make an overnight leap from Spring to summer here in DC.
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My resurrection rose…

Pretty certain that we are nearing the end of this years rose profusion, at least for those of us with younger plants. The younger blooms just don't stand up well to the change in temperature that is here. In the face of that reality, I thought that I would end with my own little resurrection rose, the one I have removed and had removed so many times. Yes, it blooms anew, tentatively and delicately. Choose your metaphors as you will, but the timing seems appropriate, what with Pentecost at hand and all. Maybe this year I will tend it and feed it instead of ripping it out. It seems to…
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In my lilac dawn…

And for this #earthday I bring you lilacs. We don't have many in the neighborhood, and many, like ours, are bushes and have not yet bloomed. Sorry you can't smell them, they are wonderful. But if you want to experience the best lilac arbor in town, head to the National Arboretum for a walk. Wish that I had time today. I'll just have to enjoy this stand of trees at the end of Garfield Park for now. Oh, and the title comes from a poem written NOT by me: “And stay, my dearstay...forever, as my quiet song,in my lilac dawn.”― Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos
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Honoring beauty in a season of change…

Unlike most days, today my wandering had a destination. Since the weather predicts heavy wind today, the tulips on my walk will take a beating, I'm sure, and I just hadn't paused to honor their beauty. We don't have many houses here on the Hill that have space to do justice to tulip growing, but this one does. It seems to me that the tulips are the one flower that has held steady to their bloom cycle this year, so many other things have been early that it seems all the beauty is rushing in at once. Other things are changing too...there are people walking to a destination rather than…
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A two-fer…

This always looks like one tree sharing two sets of beauty to me. Maybe it is or maybe it isn't, after all, I'm not a botanist. But I see individuality in community, and each making a respectful place for the other. And dogwoods. Just more dogwoods.
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Emancipation day…

Transformation before my very eyes. That's how it look and look, and all seemes the same. Then a little push from the inside and a light but insistent breeze and poof! The new green of change becomes visible. Well, that is Friday for you. And yes there is a small political statement buried in all this green and pink. Emancipation day it is.
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Our beloved Gracie, the first of our beagle fur children, used to do a trick where she balanced a treat on her nose to the command, "Focus, focus, focus." She was only released to eat the delicious morsel one of us spoke the command, "Eat it up!" There were so many reasons that she was known as "Gracie, the wonder dog." Last year, at this time in #pandemiclife I needed the camera see for me. I could sense the world around me but I couldn't focus at all. The camera focused for me. This morning, I find myself complaining that the camera simply can't capture all that I can see.…
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A little later than usual…

There were so many choices this morning. Dogwood. Late cherry. Redbud. Irises, daffodils and tulips. Birds. But then, there was this. In this pandemic April, as the anxiety and fear that drove my early walks last year subsides just a little, I'm walking a little later so the sun is usually on its merry way. But this morning, there was this. For which I am more than grateful.
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Laugh of the day…

I didn't know that I needed a laugh on my walk this morning, but something knew I was out of sorts and provided one. Always remember to look up when you see that movement on the periphery of your vision, both physical vision and that other kind...
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